After hard working months, people do need vacations. That’s the way we get away from constant pressures from the office, unwind ourselves and add zest to our life from all the hustle-bustle of our mundane lifestyle.
However, many people don’t resort to vacations as their last escape from a cubicle life. They travel proactively and a lot. Chances are your talented and popular CEO is a travel-lover. So why are the reasons people who tend to travel often succeed more at work than those who don’t? Read on.
Travel opens their minds
Once coming back from a holiday, people, especially the high level corporate office leaders admit that they are able to focus more on works. After some relaxing time and being open towards the world, they have their minds get fresh. They are more ambitious thanks to the anything-is-impossible feeling brought to them by that Everest-conquering experience. They now have a clearer perspective on everything and are more optimistic.
They have a wider range in networking
In the visit from country to country for workshops or conference, you are inclined to meet people from different parts of the world. That gives you precious chances to promote yourself and build up a social networking.
They are good at organizing
Travel will do you especially good if your work relates to logistic problems, accounting, HR or anything involving handling cash. Traveling to different country requires you to steer a lot of things such as looking for accommodations, make a plan of what to do, where to eat, taking care of your passport, exchanging currency, etc. Once you are back to the office, you are going to lay your hands on tasks you’re already familiar with on the road.
They know a lot about other cultures
Your eyes open up to different cultures, which your international business are in need, when your are on an oversea travel. You’re aided to understand how people from other cultures handle certain situation regarding life as well as office works. observing international working style will enable you to apply some to your own occupation also
They are better at socializing
It’s your chance to acquiring various knowledge about different languages and cultures, which are dissimilar to your own. In the attempt to learn new things, you are being tested and trained within your social skill. You will be able to be aware of how well you articulate in that foreign country with the locals, your tactfulness, your patience and your etiquette. Succeeding in this ‘examination’ can translate into your easy thriving in your career.
People who love travelling are more likely to succeed at work