Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 1, 2016

5 beauty spots tourists cannot miss in Austria

Austria is such an interesting part of Europe. Travelling to Austria, tourists shouldn’t forget to visit Vienna – the capital of Austria, Salzburg - the hometown of Mozart as well as the beautiful Inssbruck.

1.Hartheim Euthanasia Centre, Linz Hartheim

Hartheim Euthasia centre is inherently a castle belonging to prince of Starhemberg. In 1898, Hartheim castle was donated to the Provincial Charity Club to be a residence for disabled children. Between 1939 and 1940, the castle was turned into Hartheim Euthanasia centre.


Mostviertel is a beautiful southwestern area of Lower Austria. The combination of the Northern gentle green grass hills and the Southern rough snowy mountain tops in this fairyland has attracted so many tourists. At the weekend, tourists can take part in some activities such as going picnic, skiing, or visiting the museums,...


Hallstatt – the beautiful little town on Hallstatt lake – is a perfect destination for tourists who are looking for a romantic and peaceful place to relax. Tourists can explore Hallstatt by some activities such as mountain climbing, trekking, rowing,..


Vienna – the capital of Austria – also attracs lots of tourists. It has so many palaces, castles, museums, art galleries, ancient square,... Visiting Vienna, tourists are recommended to visit the mansion of the Habsburg – one of the most powerful royal families in Europe in premodern times. Joining an opera on the street or in the theater will also be an interesting experience for tourists.


Salzburg must be a must-go destination for tourists who love class music because this is the hometown of the W.A Mozart ( 1756 – 1791 ) – a great Austrian composer. In Salzburg, tourists will have the chance to visit the place where the musical genius was born.

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5 beauty spots tourists cannot miss in Austria
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